Monday, 10 October 2011

Taylor Allan

To my dearest Taylor Roscoe Allan,
I cannot believe you are finally twenty freaking one! I'm not really sure why it is more important than turning twenty but I'm gonna follow the crowd and make a huge deal out of it. From stupid years 10's who bonded over Kingdom Hearts to now. It has been so lovely sharing so many amazing and hilarious moments with you.
So I'm not sure where to start from... but the beginning seems like a great place to start. I remember being a little tyke in year seven and all the girls coming up to me like OMG TAYLOR!! there is a BOY TAYLOR! you guys should be friends. And I was all like pft whatever man! hahaha but then we bumped into each other and you were so excited that we ate Mars Bars the same (first the outside and the caramel, then the inside goodness), how could we not become amazing friends!
Throughout the entirety of high school we never once had a single class together (much to our disappointment) but we made up for it by eating ridiculous amounts of tomato sauce smothered Dim Sims and ruling that stupid corner near the English block.
An interesting fact about us - you were the first boys house I ever stayed at! and I lied to my mum and said I was actually staying at Jess's house hahaha. It was about that time that we became linked as bed buddies until pretty much right now haha. Which was always great because I knew you wouldn't pull any crazy moves on me at sleepovers..I totally couldn't trust those other boys hahah too many bad experiences... but in return my nasal cavities will NEVER be the same from your stinky morning farts hahahaha.
So from the orange juice incident (I'm actually wetting myself laughing just typing this) to the time after deb when you were jumping on your bed and smacked your head into the shelf whilst you were off your face, to singing Kelly bloody Clarkson whilst playing kings cup at schoolies, you have been the one single human that can make me laugh until I cry.. Except German... his nursery rhyme singing at schoolies pretty much made my life hahahahaha But in all seriousness, you were always there for a laugh and always there for me whenever I have needed you. You are by far the most loyal friend I have and I know I can trust you with absolutely anything. I know we have sucked at catching up in the last few years, but I cannot wait to share so many more hilarious memories with you. I love you to death.
Happy 21st Birthday. x

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