Wednesday, 18 May 2011


I am a third year dancer at the Victorian College of the Arts and I thought It would be a good time to say come see my mid year performance!! Presented by Second and Third Year Dance students as well as the amazing work from Production students. The Choreographers include Neil Adams, Fiona Cameron, Rochelle Carmichael and Feng Feng Wang.

Performance Times:
Thursday 9 June- 8pm
Friday 10 June- 8pm
Saturday 11 June- 2pm and 8pm
Tuesday 14 June- 8pm
Wednesday 15 June- 2pm and 8pm

Venue: Space 28, School of Performing Arts,
28 Dodds Street, Southbank

Duration: Approximately 80 minutes, with intervals

Audience note: Please note that these performances may contain strobe lighting

Cost: $22 Adult / $16 Concession, bookings are required

Bookings: Bookings can be made online from 9 May 2011 onwards Online bookings are available until 12noon on the day of the performance. If not fully booked, any remaining tickets will be available at the Box Office prior to the performance. Please note there are no eftpos facilities at the Box Office.

Monday, 16 May 2011


My attempt to plank

Its been on our facebook's, we see people do it on the street and its even been on the news. The revolution of planking is here. For those who have been hiding under a rock, planking is when a person pretends to be a plank of wood whilst a friend takes a photo of their efforts. People have been getting into all sorts of places to aim for the most unique planking photo. Just last week a man was charged for attempting to plank on a police car. I thought I would give it a try on a ballet barre and let me tell you, its not the easiest thing to complete. For a few weeks now, I've been plunged into the world of planking and couldn't help but think "you're a douche" to just about every person that did it.... but i must admit..... its actually really funny. It makes you realise that life offers so many things that you can plank on! I strongly suggest that everyone gives it a go just once for experience.
Preferably not on a seventh floor balcony thanks...

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Barats and Bereta

When I was in Sydney at the start of the year, I came across this Youtube channel with my good friend Michael Chick. We sat there and watched every single one of Barats and Bereta's Videos. (Im sure my eyes turned somewhat square after that). My favourites definitely include A day well spentMan Vs. Toddler and 57 Seconds of Abuse. Check them out!

               I went on Space Mountain seventeen times *clap clap*

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Fashion Faux Pas

Julia Coursey, Bree Longville and Myself

"The finest clothing made is a person's skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this. " Mark Twain.

Surely spending an hour to find an outfit is wrong. Grey socks on, then off, change the top, change it back to the original, try a skirt, put the grey socks back on, change the shoes, darken the lipstick, throw on a dress, hate it, curse the weather for being so terrible, put on burgundy socks, think you look decent, get told it doesn't look right, throw everything on the ground to find the stockings, try a coat, try a different coat, decide on a top, change the bra again, slip on the shoes even though you know they will hurt in an hour, put on the coat, check yourself out in the mirror, breathe.
Sometimes I truly hate being a female.